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“I think it opened me up to go into a completely whole other direction, I went into a healing profession.
I feel like it projected what my future was going to be, because I ended up going to Egypt six times and the last two times I’ve brought people there on tours.
For me, it meant that there was a purpose to this life in some way, and not that I had to like go and live with ‘purpose’, I mean just being here was a purpose, I had an opportunity now to see how far I can go.”

“One of the most life-changing OBEs I ever had was when I met my Dad after he died.
The way he died was really horrible and I had a lot of guilt surrounding it, it was just the most awful feeling, and about 90 days after he died I had an OBE.
I went specifically to look for him and I had quite a simple interaction, just asking him how he was, it was nothing astounding but when I came back from that, that guilt just lifted, which was really something I had no control over it – my logical brain was trying to work out whether that was even really him, but my actual physiology just changed.
That heavy guilt just went, so yeah that was pretty massive.”

“So my relationships today are very healthy, whereas, before OBEs, my relationships were really more about what can I get out of these people, you know, what can they do for me.
Now it’s more, what can I do for people. I care more for animals, I’ve become a vegan, which I’d never thought I’d say but I’ve got in touch with this emotional side of myself, you know, I cried at Planet of the Apes, right? I swear. I was like, what’s going on? What’s happening to me? So, emotionally, I’ve become more caring and more loving, more motivated in some ways to become the best version of myself.”

“I noticed this woman sitting to my right, her appearance was a motherly figure so I kind of guessed this is the person I’m supposed to talk to, so I asked her: Is there anything that I need to know?
She looked at me really closely, as she looked closer she was glowing and I kind of got the hint that OK this person is guidance and it’s a message for me. She said: ‘Do your best and the system will help you along’. And those words, they guide everything that I do, it’s probably one of the simplest bits of advice I’ve ever received but also one of the most profound that’s changed how I interact with everything and everyone around me.”

“So it was almost like I was a bit detached from inner guidance, inner wisdom, inner self-love, I was just living life on adrenalin, I was totally out of synch with myself.
I think when I expanded from my body I saw that myself wasn’t this body, it was a soul and that my kind of connection to what I’m here to do was much bigger. All of those things that kept me very much in the ego space, fear-based, really fear driven…I think there was such peace came from that experience that I knew that was the truth of who I am, the truth of what life can be.
So for me, the link between self-realisation and the OBE were synonymous. The most important thing I’ve taken away from this experience is what love is and that it’s my guide.”


Leah Larwood
Jade is a wildly talented teacher and a trailblazer in the world of out of body work. Her workshops are always taught from the heart and she creates a safe space to explore this fascinating subject. Jade is one of the best guides out there.”

Patrick Rea
“I absolutely loved the OBE workshop with Jade. She took the most ‘woo-woo’ topic imaginable and grounded it so that my mind could take on its subtle messages. Definitely recommend this for any OBE seeker or practitioners”

Mark Ibbotson
At last a guide to open the doors to a wider world of wonder. Jade’s classes are fun, friendly, demystifying and show how we all have the potential to experience a little Enlightenment

Martine Scheen
“This amazing course gives you a whole new range of possibilities to explore life beyond the physical plane. The meditations allow you to be in the unchanging space of awareness to discover the unknown. Just be open to it. Personally the knowledge and practices has given me a lot of joy and wellbeing in daily life, because daily life is more that you can imagine.”

Ariane Cote
‘It was absolutely lovely to have Jade as a teacher, she’s very patient, clear and funny! I feel less alone and more attuned with my own power and capacities to travel among other realms. Since the class ended, I’ve had very profound visions and meetings with celestial beings’

Maria Schonfeld
“Jade clearly lives, breathes and loves what she does and her enthusiasm, deep knowledge and experience were almost passed on via osmosis. It was impossible not to come home with a refreshed sense of wonder, clarity and possibility- not to mention some awesome simple practical new tools that I felt safe and inspired to use right away.”

Robert Bazzani
‘Since I’ve done the course with Jade, I practise OBEs every night…it’s something that gives me a deeper connection with my subconscious.’

Elif Dastori
‘The effect and the feelings of Astral Projection cannot be described by this world’s words unless you experience it! This was an amazing course! I am really very sure of my soul’s eternity and preciousness’

Diane Palermo
‘I receive so much knowledge and wisdom from Jade, and the people I’m connected to through her class from all over the world, we shared amazing revelations!’

Linda Rampling
‘Learning to astral travel with Jade is truly insightful and reassuring; any fears or scary myths were alleviated, I thoroughly enjoyed it, thank you Jade you’re awesome’

Sally-Ann Reynolds
“Jade is a fantastic guide into the world of astral projection. Having always been fascinated by it, I was so excited to attend her workshop and learn more! What is great about Jade is that she is so wonderfully grounded and real. She makes something as “far out” as OBE seem very accessible.”
James Rayson
“Jade’s ability to turn a complex phenomenon like OBE’s into a much easier to understand concept is second to none I walked away with greater understanding than ever before and left the session knowing what I needed to practice.
She gave me easy to follow step by step processes to help induce an OBE and other practices to aid! I’m much more confident now!
Her energy during the session showed me just how passionate she is about the OBE and just how much she wants to help others.
Thanks Jade!”
Everyone said the same thing…
’it felt realer than real’
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